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A cold sore (herpes) is a chronic infectious disease that appears as painful red blisters and has an incubation period of 2-14 days. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of cold sores and find out what effects CBD has on them.

What is cold sore or herpes?

Cold sores - or herpes - are a chronic infectious disease (caused by the herpes virus HSV-1) that affects the skin and mucous membranes (mouth cold sores, nose cold sores, throat cold sores). Herpes most often occurs on the lips, although it can affect other parts of the body, including the genitals. Some people may also get it during pregnancy. The disease appears as painful red blisters with an incubation period of 2-14 days.


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The main symptom is an accumulation of small white blisters that bind together and cause itching and mild tingling or pain. Sometimes other symptoms such as headache, weakness in the body and fever can also occur.

Why do cold sores form?

The virus wakes up when a person's immune system is weakened. It is a highly infectious disease and can be contracted through kissing, saliva, or even contaminated common household items: lip balm, towels, utensils, and more.

Currently, medicine claims that there is no cure for cold sores. The medicines, herbs and dietary supplements available suppress the symptoms and shorten the duration of the illness. Unfortunately, very often cold sores 'come back'.

Causes for the return of cold sores can be:

  • illnesses - endocrine, viral and bacterial;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • metabolic disorders.

How to get rid of cold sores quickly - does CBD help with cold sores?

Yes, CBD can be effective in treating cold sores.

Products containing CBD have an anti-inflammatory effect - so they help with persistent infections and reduce inflammation, thereby shortening the duration of the illness.

CBD - cannabidiol is also a very good antiviral agent. Which helps to reduce the negative effects of the disease (pain).

What CBD products should I take when I have herpes?

If you suffer from cold sores, we recommend taking CBD not only orally, but also topically (directly on the sore spot).

Internal use of CBD for cold sores

CBD can be taken internally via CBD drops, capsules or hemp tea. However, the most effective treatment for cold sores is in the form of drops or capsules (they contain the highest concentration of CBD).


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The ideal dosage is up to each of you as we are all unique. For an adult, we recommend starting with 2 - 3 drops twice a day and if the desired effect does not occur within the first 4 days, increase the dosage or contact us at the hemp counselling to discuss further action.

External use of CBD for cold sores

To promote the healing of cold sores, be sure to apply CBD directly to the cold sore - you can apply CBD oil to the cold sore (we recommend at least 3 times a day) or use a CBD spray that you spray on the cold sore (particularly suitable for throat cold sores, not recommended for genital cold sores). Of course, you can also use hemp ointment or the very popular coconut oil with CBD.


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Alternatively, CBD toothpaste can also be used to cover the sore spot.

Hemp ointment for herpes

For cold sores, we recommend using hemp ointment for the skin, which, thanks to its mild composition, is non-irritating and helps to heal. It contains lanolin, which is sheep fat, which is highly recommended!

However, much more cannabidiol is found in CBD coconut oil, which we highly recommend for treating herpes! It is also very easy to apply due to its consistency.

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Where can herpes occur?

Cold sores on the lip

Most common cold sores occur on the lips. It can be recognised by an unpleasant itching sensation. This is usually followed by blisters (they may sting and hurt) the next day. A cold sore on the lips usually disappears within a week to 10 days at most.

Cold sores in the mouth and throat

Sores in the mouth and throat are similar to aphthae, but are usually accompanied by a fever and sore throat. This is followed by redness in the throat area and, after a few days, painful white spots appear on the mucous membrane. Swelling of the cervical nodes is also common. After this, it usually disappears within 2 weeks.


CBD capsules - this dietary supplement combines the high-quality coconut ...

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CBD Oil - food supplement, full-spectrum of cannabinoids, 970mg CBD oil ...

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Tongue herpes

Cold sores can also appear on the tongue and appear in the same way as cold sores in the mouth and throat. CBD spray can be used for them.

Genital herpes

Genital cold sores are caused by burning, itching and reddening of the mucous membranes in the genital area, rectum or inner thighs.

Painful sores then form. Fatigue, malaise, fever and swollen nodes can also occur.

Cold sores in pregnancy

If you have never had a cold sore before or your body has not developed the necessary antibodies and you catch it early in pregnancy - which can happen because cold sores take advantage of the fact that your body is experiencing hormonal changes and is therefore weakened - it is a good idea to contact your doctor. Cold sores in early pregnancy, up to about the 12th week of pregnancy, can pose a risk to your baby's health if placental transmission occurs to the baby. However, even then, the chances of this happening are very small.

Genital herpes in pregnancy

Genital herpes can also occur during pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, it can become a complication because there is the potential for transmission from the mother to the baby during childbirth.

If genital herpes occurs in the period before labour, doctors usually recommend delivery by caesarean section.

What to use for cold sores?

In addition to the aforementioned CBD, which helps with cold cores/herpes in general, you can buy any antiviral medicine. They come in the form of tablets or ointments.

If the sore persists for more than two weeks, it is advisable to see your doctor.

Granny's advice: what's in it for herpes?

Herbal teas

Herbal teas help with pain and recovery - herbs such as chamomile, sage, thyme or lavender can be used.

Try hemp tea with chamomile.

Poultices for cold sores

  • You can apply ice or garlic cloves to sore spots (they counteract viruses).
  • Hyssop poultice: Use 30g of dried hyssop for a poultice, pour 0.5l of boiling water over it, infuse for 15 minutes, strain and let cool. Soak a clean cloth in the infusion and apply to the affected area.
  • Fenugreek and flax seed poultice: mix 50 g of fenugreek root with 25 g of flax seed. Add 0.5 litres of boiling water and let it boil for 2 minutes. Allow to cool and strain. Gently wipe the itchy areas with a cotton wool soaked in the decoction.

What is herpes zoster?

Herpes zoster is a very painful viral disease (also called herpes zoster) that causes very painful and uncomfortable skin problems.

It is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, and the incubation period is usually 2-6 weeks.

Herpes zoster is not life-threatening, but its soreness is very unpleasant and makes normal functioning very uncomfortable. A number of complications may arise if treatment is neglected (herpes zoster near the eyes can lead to loss of eyesight, untreated herpes can lead to neurological problems...).

Although there is no direct cure for herpes zoster, antiviral medicines (CBD can also be used) are again prescribed to relieve the symptoms, as in the case of herpes zoster. However, in some cases, doctors also prescribe antibiotics.

Article author:

Lucie Garabasova

Lucka is our always positive colleague, which you can meet only with a smile. She has an online manager position, supports and promotes sales on the Czech and German markets. Lucie loves nature, animals, and likes sport.


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Lucie Garabasova
Online manager | Cannadorra

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Catalog 2020

Hemp products and legislation

All presented hemp products are 100% legal according to EU legislation. They are made from legal agricultural strains of hemp which contain the legal level of THC (less than 0,2%). Hemp seed is used for the production of oil, protein and also for direct consumption. Hemp herb is used for CBD extraction, tea, and ointments & cosmetics. All our products are NOT psychoactive. offers a complete range of hemp, CBD products & foods. All EU mostly organic production. 

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