
Hemp tea

Hemp tea abounds with beneficial impacts on our bodies and minds. Amongst the most appreciated are those teas which enhance immunity and ease pain and stress.

CBD tea | CBG tea


Hemp tea Good Sleep is a unique hemp blend with hops that promotes a good night's sleep. Contains 50 g ...

Sales price: 5,90 €

Hemp tea Lady's Secret was developed specifically for women. It is a hemp tea with lady’s mantle. It ...

Sales price: 5,90 €

Hemp tea Men Power - a unique herbal tea with hemp and tribulus terrestris specifically for men. ...

Sales price: 5,90 €

20x bag hemp tea with 4% CBD content CBD Tea Extra - 20 bags

Sales price: 12,99 €

Hemp tea with chamomile Organic - food supplement Tea supports good digestion. Certified CZ-BIO-002

Sales price: 5,90 €

Hemp tea - food supplement - with rose hip, which gives the tea a delicious taste and contains a high ...

Sales price: 5,00 €

Hemp herb with a high content of CBD grown in EU, 35g.

Sales price: 4,90 €
Before discount6,99 €

CBD hemp tea 30g – 20 servings x 1,5g. Hemp herb with high content of CBD grown in the EU. Produced in ...

Sales price: 5,66 €
Before discount6,99 €

Tis CBG tea harmonizes all processes in the human body, thereby supporting its natural defenses.

Sales price: 7,99 €

Hemp tea in premium quality. Selection of hemp herb. 30g

Sales price: 6,80 €

Hemp tea with Sea Buckthorn has positively influenced the circulatory system and heavy leg syndrome. It ...

Sales price: 4,90 €
Before discount5,90 €

Tea made from BIO hemp relaxes the body and mind. It supports immunity, healthy digesting and good sleep.

Sales price: 5,30 €
Before discount6,50 €

A mixture of hemp herb and various kinds of fruit

Sales price: 4,90 €
Before discount5,90 €

Hemp tea mint for better sleep, regeneration, pain relief and improving digestion.

Sales price: 6,90 €

Hemp herb with a high content of CBD, 35g. It is a variety of Carmagnola, which is known for its higher ...

Sales price: 9,99 €
Before discount16,09 €

A delicious combination of hemp herb with lemongrass. 50g

Sales price: 4,90 €
Before discount5,90 €

A delicious combination of hemp herb with Hibiscus flowers from Sudan.

Sales price: 4,90 €
Before discount5,90 €

Hemp tea with a fine fraction - food supplement. Hemp tea was grown and carefully hand-picked in EU.

Sales price: 4,30 €

Hemp seed harmonizes the basic processes in the body, thus supporting its natural defenses. It has ...

Sales price: 4,14 €
Before discount5,90 €

Fine hemp fraction of the Futura variety with 4% CBD - 5g

Sales price: 10,36 €
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Additional information

What is hemp tea?

Hemp tea is made by steeping crushed cuttings of the hemp plant in hot water.

It contains a small amount of CBD (cannabidiol) and other cannabinoids such as CBDa, CBG, and CBN. The Cannabis sativa variant, which is called hemp and which is the one commonly made into tea, has about 2% CBD and 0,2% THC. Because of its low level of THC, hemp is not psychoactive, unlike other cannabis strains rich in THC such as marijuana, which is used for smoking and gives you a ‘high’ feeling. This means that hemp is not a narcotic.

Any part of the plant can be used to make the tea: leaves, buds, flowers, seeds, stems, and stalks. When the mix includes seeds, the oil they hold helps with the infusion and binding of all cannabinoids.

Hemp tea doesn’t take in only the cannabinoids, but around 1000 different compounds, such as terpenes or flavonoids, a lot of which can dissolve in water and thus facilitate the making of the brew. They also add to the smell, flavor, and potency of the tea.

Is there any difference between hemp tea and CBD tea?

Hemp tea can be prepared from both immature or mature hemp plants. Using unripened, green buds gives you a tea with a smaller percentage of CBD, whereas mature buds make for a richer CBD hemp tea. As CBD is present in most hemp variants, practically all teas made from hemp will have some too. The tea mixtures richest in CBD will be those consisting of buds collected in blossom. You can add isolated CBD drops to the tea to boost your cannabidiol intake.   

CBD and THC dissolve in fats, which means you can strengthen your cup of tea by adding anything that contains some fat, depending on your taste. This way all the beneficial substances will be absorbed into your tea. The intensity of your brew revolves around many aspects, such as which strain is used, how moist it is, how much you put in, and what sieve you use.

The fusion can be mixed with other ingredients such as mint, which is great for relaxation, or fruit such as goji to enrich the flavour of the tea.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural component of hemp. It is concentrated particularly in the flowers while they are blooming. It belongs to the key substances contained in cannabis, next to THC. Their effects are, however, very different. CBD has no psychoactive powers, but it is used for its medical advantages.

What about its legality?


The hemp variants used for our teas are legal to grow and consume in both the EU and the UK, as they carry under 0,2% THC which is the maximum threshold. The quantity of THC in all our teas is so low that it falls below the detection limit.

 Apart from that, our products are registered and regularly tested. They are also certified by the European Food Safety Authority.

Can you smoke hemp tea?

Some do smoke or vaporize hemp tea but it is not designed to be used this way and we strongly advise against it.

10 benefits of hemp tea

There is a lot to gain from regular consumption of hemp tea. It has all sorts of positive impacts on a lot of areas in our body, making it a wholesome natural medicine:

  1. Our hemp tea counts among the most natural and tasty means to enjoy CBD. It is a great option also because of its complex and rich contents, which are more effective than, for example, isolated CBD.
  2. It supports our endocannabinoid system which is essential for keeping the body healthy.
  3. It relieves stress and helps those who suffer from depression or anxiety because it increases the activity of serotonin receptors. In addition to that, the terpenes present in hemp work as antidepressants.
  4. It can alleviate the feeling of chronic pain thanks to its influence on the nervous system.
  5. Hemp tea improves healthy sleep and soothes sleep disorders such as insomnia.
  6. Hemp tea is beneficial in curing pain, sickness, flatulence, nausea, or inflammation. These abilities make it helpful also in combating heart conditions and lowering high blood pressure.
  7. It supports healthy digestion.
  8. It also mitigates respiratory issues because it widens the airways and thus increases airflow into the lungs.
  9. Hemp tea includes antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients.
  10. Overall, hemp tea has a calming effect. It reinforces a healthy condition of the body and the clarity of the mind.

How to make hemp tea

Put one spoon of the mixture (or one teabag) in ¼ liter of boiling water and brew it for 5-10 minutes. The longer you brew the tea, the stronger it will be.

If you want to make your tea even stronger and strengthen its impact, put a bit of butter, milk, cream, or oil into the beverage to help the cannabinoids dissolve further. You can use CBD butter or CBD oil as well.

Hemp tea does not contain caffeine so you can drink it any time of the day and enjoy as many cups as you like. To fully enjoy its calming effect, it is better to drink tea when you do not have to work or drive. You can also try having it 1 hour before going to bed to enjoy a quality and undisturbed rest.

Making history across cultures

The history of hemp tea drinking goes as far as that of civilization itself. In ancient India, hemp tea was known as Bhang and had the role of a ritual drink served to welcome guests, but it was also used for medical purposes. 

In Jamaica, Ganja tea has also been used for its healing effects for a long time. Cannabis has also been an important element in traditional Chinese medicine. Today the interest in cannabis and its varieties is still growing and more studies on the effects of THC and CBD are being made. CBD especially is becoming more and more popular thanks to its beneficial impact on the human body.

Secret hemp tea latte formula

This is our most favorite hemp tea latte recipe that will give you a compelling, calming bodily sensation. The fresher the hemp you have, the stronger and more efficient will the brew be. However, dry hemp will do nicely as well.

What you need:

  • 6 g hemp (ideally a mixture of flowers, leaves, and stems)
  • 2 cups of any fatty milk, e. g. whole milk, canned coconut milk, or hemp milk
  • ¼ cup coconut oil or ⅛ stick butter of room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup of water
  • Tea leaves (chai or any other)
  • Honey and cinnamon for adding flavor

Our method step by step:

  1. Mix the hemp, milk, oil or butter, and vanilla extract until well incorporated.
  2. Let the concoction rest at room temperature for 1 hr.
  3. Put the concoction into a pot, add water and tea (either in a strainer or without).
  4. Cover and simmer (but do not boil) over medium-low heat for ca. 20 mins.
  5. Strain if necessary and serve.
  6. Sprinkle it with a pinch of cinnamon and honey.

You can also buy these products in our other online stores

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czProdukty z kategorie  Konopný čaj  si můžete nechat zaslat i do České republiky.
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frLes produits de cette catégorie peuvent également être expédiés en France, il suffit de visiter la catégorie Thé de chanvre.

Hemp tea reviews

  • Against anxiety and better sleep with hemp tea

    I like the hemp tea because it helps me against my anxiety and fear and I sleep better after it.

    4 / 5
  • Calming effects of hemp tea

    An excellent tea for calming down and good sleep.

    4.5 / 5
    Josef B.
  • Experience with hemp products and Parkinson's disease

    Hello, thank you for the opportunity to order your products CBD Extra hemp tea and organic hemp oil, they help us better manage the symptoms of Parkinson's disease which our father has.

    4.5 / 5
    Alexander Murphy
  • Hemp tea as relaxation in stressful phases

    Such an effective and great hemp tea! He relaxes me especially in stressful phases and it has also very good taste. Hemp is really a wonder plant and we should all use more of it. Not only nutritionally but also in all other areas, we can benefit from this plant. The quality of hemp health is also really very good!

    4.5 / 5
  • I sleep better with this tea

    So far, I have experience only with hemp tea (Hemp mixture, 30 g) and I can only recommend it.
    Personally, I like it and with more regular use I can see a positive effect on sleep and calming.

    4.5 / 5
    Emma Ashby
  • Sleeping problems and depression "under my control" after hemp tea use

    I've been looking for something for years to help with my sleep, the thyroid gland, and my depression.
    And now, thanks to tea from hemp, I have these problems under my control. 

    4 / 5

Hemp products and legislation

All presented hemp products are 100% legal according to EU legislation. They are made from legal agricultural strains of hemp which contain the legal level of THC (less than 0,2%). Hemp seed is used for the production of oil, protein and also for direct consumption. Hemp herb is used for CBD extraction, tea, and ointments & cosmetics. All our products are NOT psychoactive. offers a complete range of hemp, CBD products & foods. All EU mostly organic production. 

CBD products Hemp Tea | Hemp Oil | Hemp Seeds | Hemp Protein | Other Hemp | Hemp Cosmetics | Hemp Ointments
