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What is an endocannabinoid system? The endocannabinoid system is the construction of components inside the human body that play an important role in our internal biological system.


Is responsible for the regulation and balance (homeostasis) of the human body to certain triggers. It has an impact on appetite, metabolism, changes of immunity, communication between cells of the human body and much more.

Even more important is that the endocannabinoid system plays a major role in the physical and psychological effects of cannabis on the human body.

It is through this system react active components of cannabis, known as cannabinoids, with the biological system of your body, and through these receptors pass through the beneficial effects of cannabis.

The name is therefore created by the name of the active components. Endo (which means inside the body) and cannabinoid (the active ingredient of cannabis with which the receptors react).

The endocannabinoid system has a huge potential to customize the way the human body works and a healthy endocannabinoid system is essential for the balance of all the processes in your body.

This system is the main subject of interest in medical research, mainly because of their wide therapeutic potential. Although doctors and scientists have discovered the basics of how this amazing system works, still much about it we don't know, and a lot of its features waiting to be discovered.

Components of the endocannabinoid system

The endocannabinoid system is made up of various components that work together and form a complete and fully functional system, which helps to regulate and control the response of the body, associated with the effects of cannabinoids. These components include:


  • Cannabinoid receptors on the surface of the cell wall

  • Endocannabinoids

  • Enzymes

What is an endocannabinoid system? Cannabinoid receptors

Cannabinoid receptors located on the surface of cells. Imagine these receptors like a keyhole, which will only work when inserting the correct key.
There are many kinds of cannabinoid receptors, but only two of them have been thoroughly studied and researched. They are the receptors CB1 and CB2.

Each receptor responds to different types of cannabinoids, but there are also cannabinoids that do not distinguish between these recipes and react to both.

Expanding these receptors in the human body explains why cannabinoids have such significant effects on us. CB1 receptors are abundantly present in the brain and in the spinal cord. In high concentration are found in those parts of the brain that are associated with influencing the behavior.Most importantly, they are also found in the hypothalamus and amygdale. They are responsible for regulating appetite, managing stress and anxiety, limiting nausea, as well as processing memories and emotional responses.

CB1 receptors are also present in the nerve endings, where they reduce the sensitivity to pain (one of the main reasons why cannabis is used for pain relief.)

CB2 receptors are usually found in the cells of the immune system the peripheral nervous system. At the time of their activation, they trigger an immune response to inflammation, which is important role in the treatment of many chronic diseases.

What is an endocannabinoid system? Endogenous cannabinoids

Endocannabinoids are cannabinoids which naturally creates a human body. They are the neurotransmitters, created on the basis of the requirement of the endocannabinoid system when the body gives the signal that they are needed.

Another endocannabinoids, which is today intensively studied, are virodhamin, noladin and N-arachidonyl dopamine (NADA) but their effects are not yet fully discovered.

Anandamide is the first discovered endocannabinoid. In high concentration mainly appear in the nervous system.
They have only a partial ability to bind to the receptors CB1 and CB2. This means that even when in the keyhole (receptor) binds, it doesn't fit there perfectly as it should.He can therefore only run less efficient physiological response.

Unlike 2-AG, which is located in the brain in higher concentrations and can be fully build on both endocannabinoid receptors and thereby trigger a physiological response.

Once the body does not need the effect of the cannabinols, it decomposes with the help of the third component of the endocannabinoid system. This brings us to the enzymes and their effects on the body's biological system.

 What is an endocannabinoid system? Enzymes

Enzymes play a very important role in the endocannabinoid system. They are responsible for decomposing the endocannabinoid residue after its physiological role has ended.

Enzymes exist in two types, and include: fatty acid hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL). FAAH is in charge of destroying excess anandamide while MAGL is working with 2-AG.Both enzymes ensure that the endocannabinoid will be used when it is needed, but will not be left unnecessary in the body system.

Why can cannabinoids have an effect on the human body?

The main reason why cannabinoids such as THC, cannabinol have psychoactive and / or health effects on the human body is that there are places in our body's system that they can react to.

It was discovered that THC has the ability to bind to two receptors in the body and activate them as well as they do natural endocannabinoids, that the body itself produces.

However, rather than binding directly to them, operate on the principle of the interference effect of the enzyme FAAH, which is responsible for the decomposition of anandamide.

When is the effect of the FAAH suppressed, the process of degradation of anandamide is disturbed and this leads to the accumulation of FAAH in the brain – the effect then lasts longer than usual and it causes a feeling of intoxication and psychoactive state, which the user feels.

The action against the enzyme FAAH turned out to be an effective means in the struggle with other mental illnesses. Some of the characteristics of the CBD, which suppress the manifestations of anxiety may be associated with the inhibitory effect on the enzyme FAAH, and therefore leads to increased presence of endocannabinoids in the bodily system.

What is an endocannabinoid system? In medicin

Because of their significant effects on the human body it is believed that endocannabinoid system has a demonstrable effect in the treatment and correction of many different disabilities and diseases.

In the field of medicine, two ways of increasing the use of the endocannabinoid system and its effects are being worked out today. Include: Synthetic cannabinoids and cannabinoids, originating from hemp.

So far the most well-known is the health marijuana, which is also the most common way the endocannabinoid system is used in the treatment of various diseases.

It has been shown that active substances in cannabis have therapeutic effects on the endocannabinoid system with which they respond. Can be used in the treatment of diseases such as chronic pain, seizures, nausea, sclerosis, and is used also in palliative care. And there's a lot more benefits...

Despite the health benefits of medical marijuana are felt by some patients pronounced side effects, such as the feeling of intoxication, paranoia, or anxiety caused by THC. For this reason they give some patients prefer other treatments than medical marijuana.

Synthetic cannabinoids are designed to mimic the activity of existing cannabinols and target the endocannabinoid system.

However, these synthetic clanabinoids should be considered as an emergency solution, as they can not replace natural cannabinoids. Especially because cannabinoids occurring in a cannabis plant can not be synthetically synthesized and replaced.

It's probably mainly about maintaining control and earnings of pharmaceutical companies and the adaptation of the awareness of the general public about the positive health effects of cannabinoids.Examples include Marinol, a synthetic cannabinol, which was used in the struggle with loss of appetite and nausea in patients suffering from cancer or AIDS. It is also used for reducing chronic pain in severe cases of this condition.

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Functions of the endocannabinoid system

Endocannabinoid system is important for many fundamental functions of the human body, such as appetite, immune function, metabolism, digestion of food, pain, sleep, memory, mood, digestion, response to inflammation, and many others.

In addition to regulating these basic bodily functions also has an effect on the physiological response to the disease.

A very good example is the treatment of cancer and fight against cancer cells. Tumor cells have a much more cannabinoid receptors than healthy cells and tissues of the human body.

There are also cases where a higher level of endocannabinoids has been demonstrated in people suffering from arthritis, Parkinson's disease, anxiety, or chronic pain.

That is why many scientists and medical researchers believe that the function of the endocannabinoid system lies in homeostasis - regulation of the body system and preservation of the balance of the internal environment in all circumstances.

Sick body and his condition is in large part a consequence of the inability of the body to achieve homeostasis. Therefore, the role of endocannabinoid system and its maintaining of the physical balance for medicine is crucial.

Endoсannabinoid system is a real treasure for scientists and medical professionals. Although this is a complex system, it plays an important role in many body processes and it seems to have a promising potential in the targeted treatment of many diseases.

What is an endocannabinoid system? Conclusion

The discovery of endoсannabinoid system is the most important discovery in medicine soon after the discovery of a sterile surgical operation. Therefore, when it comes to the endocannabinoid system, surveys show that its significance for treating diseases is actually just the tip of the glacier.
We still have a lot to do with regard to exploring the context endocannabinoid system and its impact on the overall health of the human body. We still do not know how natural cannabis cannabinoids can be used for important therapeutic purposes for human health.

Cannabis contains over 80 cannabinoids that have the ability to bind to receptors in the human body.

However, only two of the receptors have been so far more thoroughly researched and its working with them.

They are THC and Cannabidiol. But it should definitely follow the research of other types and how they respond to the endocannabinoid system of our body and what contribution we can gain from homeostasis.




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All presented hemp products are 100% legal according to EU legislation. They are made from legal agricultural strains of hemp which contain the legal level of THC (less than 0,2%). Hemp seed is used for the production of oil, protein and also for direct consumption. Hemp herb is used for CBD extraction, tea, and ointments & cosmetics. All our products are NOT psychoactive. offers a complete range of hemp, CBD products & foods. All EU mostly organic production. 

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