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Is it good to mix CBD with caffeine? While hemp is often consumed to relax the body, improve perception and stimulate creativity, coffee - such as tea and other caffeinated beverages - is usually used to encourage and help people concentrate, especially in case of exhaustion.


Does it make sense to consume hemp and coffee together? How do they interact? Are caffeine and cannabidiol a really good idea, or is it just a clever marketing ploy?

CBD effect vs. caffeine effect

What exactly makes the combination of CBD and caffeine so appealing? The body's response to CBD oil basically makes it the perfect complement to the body's response to caffeine - read the details.

CBD and your body

CBD oil or cannabidiol is obtained from the plant Cannabis Sativa. CBD is one of more than 100 phytocannabinoids in hemp and is one of the most studied. CBD and other phytocannabinoids, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), are very similar in structure to the body's own endocannabinoids, allowing them to target cannabinoid receptors in the neurological and central nervous systems. CBD has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation and help treat a variety of conditions, from anxiety to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to ADHD.

Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effect.

CBD coffee ground - 120 mg CBD. Quality Colombian coffee enriched with ...

Sales price: 12,99 €

CBD coffee ground - 300 mg CBD. Quality Colombian coffee enriched with ...

Sales price: 19,99 €

Caffeine and your body

Coffee has a mixed bag of effects. Central nervous system stimulator, the most visible effect of caffeine is an almost immediate increase in alertness and energy. In people with a predisposition to anxiety disorders, this effect on the central nervous system associated with an increase in heart rate and blood pressure can lead to nervousness, anxiety or even panic attacks.

Too much caffeine can also cause you headaches and nausea, not to mention mood and fatigue, especially once the caffeine starts to disappear.

CBD and caffeine have become such a popular pairing because the negative side effects of caffeine consumption are negated by the body's interaction with CBD.

What does the science of CBD and caffeine say?

In an interview with Marie Claire, Medical Director of the California Diagnostic Clinic Canna-Centers and Winner of the Medical Specialist of 2017, Bonni Goldstein explains what is still known about CBD and caffeine:

"At this point, it is not clear what the exact interaction is between CBD and caffeine - at low doses, CBD is a stimulant and at higher doses can cause sedation. Someone's response to a combination of these compounds would not be easily predictable because different doses would affect different reactions. "

And the effects of CBD on the body are not determined by dose alone; in fact, these effects can vary greatly depending on CBD intake. While some hemp strains have been developed to induce relaxation, others are bred to increase sharpness, reduce appetite or produce any other result. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the end result of CBD ingestion.


CBD Oil - food supplement, full-spectrum of cannabinoids, 970mg CBD oil 10% is a unique dietary ...

Sales price: 44,90 €

CBD Oil - food supplement, full-spectrum of cannabinoids, 475mg CBD, mixed with organic hemp seed oil. ...

Sales price: 28,90 €

CBD Hemp Oil 2% is a unique dietary supplement that supports the immune system and benefits the body's ...

Sales price: 24,90 €

It is important to note that the World Health Organization has conducted research on CBD oil and concluded that CBD hemp oil has a good safety profile and is well tolerated by most people.

Coffee with CBD - a combination worth trying

It is so. Indeed, everyone - especially coffee lovers - should try a combination of coffee and CBD. As mentioned above, CBD should neutralize the side effects of caffeine (especially once the caffeine begins to disappear). There will soon be a product in our range that will surely please you! Don't forget to follow us!

CBD coffee ground - 120 mg CBD. Quality Colombian coffee enriched with ...

Sales price: 12,99 €

CBD coffee ground - 300 mg CBD. Quality Colombian coffee enriched with ...

Sales price: 19,99 €




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Catalog 2020

Hemp products and legislation

All presented hemp products are 100% legal according to EU legislation. They are made from legal agricultural strains of hemp which contain the legal level of THC (less than 0,2%). Hemp seed is used for the production of oil, protein and also for direct consumption. Hemp herb is used for CBD extraction, tea, and ointments & cosmetics. All our products are NOT psychoactive. offers a complete range of hemp, CBD products & foods. All EU mostly organic production. 

CBD products Hemp Tea | Hemp Oil | Hemp Seeds | Hemp Protein | Other Hemp | Hemp Cosmetics | Hemp Ointments
